Fluting wheels

Our DualForce™ wheels are freer cutting to withstand cutting forces from high-speed applications, including carbide and steel applications. These wheels provide high grind ratio for holding wheel shape, form and size. They allow for fewer machine offset adjustments due to less wear.

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Abrasive Technology's fluting wheels are part of their product line that includes hybrid bond, metal bond, and resin bond wheels. These wheels are designed for use in grinding applications, and are particularly well-suited for high-speed applications involving carbide and steel.

One of the key features of these wheels is their DualForce™ design, which allows them to withstand the cutting forces generated by high-speed grinding. This design also provides a high grind ratio, which helps to maintain the shape, form, and size of the wheel over time. As a result, these wheels require fewer machine offset adjustments due to less wear.

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PRoduct Resources

View our product resources for Fluting wheels.

Fluting Wheel Flyer
Industrial Capabilities Brochure
Medical Applications Flyer
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